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Rana Zaid

Manga World


My senior project is on designing a Manga World. Manga is a Japanese term which is a story board book. The space will include two levels and the activities: Café, a workshop (gaming space and animation studio) and a library. The idea is attracting artists, designers, and children who are interested in reading Manga books and anime. I will attempt to attract my audience by the environment that surrounds the site and the materials that will supply in the place. The program size of the project depends on the requirements of each space big area for the library then medium for the workshop and small area for the coffee seating. In the UAE there is no specific place to host a daily place for reading Manga and workshop. I want to design a Manga World by using Minimalism Contemplation concept because I want to create an atmosphere that when people visit the place, they feel that want to stay much longer and gives feeling like a home.

Rana Alhuraibi_Poster.jpg
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